“What is lightning?” “How does an overvoltage come”, “What consequences can a lightning strike have?”, “How to insure house against lightning damage” – these and many other questions were answered today by Ģirts Dziedātājs, Krišjānis Vīdušs and Kristaps Blisiņš in a free seminar on Lightning and Overvoltage protection. The seminar took place at the Liepaja Energy Efficiency Centre and is one of the many educational activities in the free cycle of seminars organised by the Green-Tech cluster in cooperation with Elektrum.

Ģirts Dziedātājs, head of the “OBO Bettermann” product group, started the workshop by telling visitors what lightning is, what types of lightning can be distinguished and what is lightning protection. The singer talked not only about the various lightning protection and stress protection systems, but also about general legislation, which regulations and standards regulate the need for lightning protection, and the consequences and damage arising from overvoltages and lightning kicks.

Erico’s six-point plan was explained by Krišjānis Vīdušs, head of the department of “Lucidus SMART”. You can get acquainted with all six points here.

On the other hand, Kristaps Blisins AS “BALTA”, head of Corporate Partner Relations, said about insurance as an opportunity to tackle lightning-related losses. According to “BALTA” data, the potential cause of 30 – 60 fires every year in Latvia is lightning. The average compensation for damage caused by fire is above EUR 20 000, while the largest damage caused by lightning occurred in 2018, when the loss amounted to at least EUR 35 million.

The next seminar in the free cycle is scheduled for 16 May and the subject is “warming and renovating buildings”.

The activity was implemented by the Green and Smart Technology Cluster, within the framework of the Cluster program (contract No.

Aktivitāte tiek realizēta Biedrības “Zaļo un Viedo Tehnoloģiju Klasteris”, Klastera programmas ietvaros (Līguma Nr.