Project name
SmartDEV BSR- Smart DEVelopment of human capital and cooperation platforms ensuring sustainable economic growth of Baltic Sea Region
Project aim and description
SmartDEV BSR is an initiative with an aim to expand the network of partner organisations (transnational platform) to strengthen the Innovation ecosystem in the BSR and neighbouring countries as a smart, efficient and motivated environment.
To reach the main goal – expanded international Network (Change agents) in practical joint performance through creations and development of joint programs and projects (at least 3 application will be created and submitted), during this seed funding project we are going not only to prepare joint cross-regional action plan for boosting Innovation ecosystem addressing main challenges in each of countries, but also implement first cooperation activities – joint meeting sessions for the expended Network organisations and workshop for the main target audience we all are working for – SMEs, entrepreneurs, Start-ups.
The network is planned to include partners from five countries in the Baltic Sea region (not counting the countries already represented in the project, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia). It is planned to attract partners from Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, Germany, Finland to the international network, and one additional partnership is planned to be created in a country with a high potential for international cooperation – Ukraine.
Project activities
Our focus is on smart development of human capital building a network of main actors in the innovation ecosystems – Change agents and creation of transnational platforms expanding cross-border and cross-sectorial cooperation networks.
- Challenge-driven innovation. Assistance to SMEs to develop new business models, products and processes to get into transnational value chains, especially in green technologies (like circular economy, smart city) and smart technologies (like smart manufacturing, industry 4.0, digitalisation) sectors.
We plan to build BSR leadership programmes and capacity building activities and scaling up of interregional innovation projects having the potential to solve BSR challenges, to generate new business, and to encourage the development of BSR Value Chains.
- Co-creative innovation. Improvement of BSR innovation performance boosting innovators and building linkages between people and organisations.
We plan to create joint programmes for interconnection of open innovation ecosystems and co-creation. Specialised tools like incubation, acceleration, bootcamps are part of the innovation ecosystem.
Project partners:
- STARTcentrum Social Impact Ekonomisk Förening
- Green Tech Cluster Latvia
- Tartu Centre for Creative Industries
Associate partners
- Latvian Investment and development agency
- Latvian Chamber of commerce and industry
- Tartu Science Park
- University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
Project duration
1st October 2022 – 9th September 2023
Projekta budget
43000 eur

Baltic Sea Region Network Startup ecosystem
In times of globalization, internet and the metaverse, certain regions especially stand out with creativity, collaboration, and ingenuity. The Baltic Sea Region is undeniably one of these regions. Spanning the countries that border this unique body of water, the Baltic Sea Region has become a cradle of innovation, fostering a dynamic ecosystem that transcends borders, cultures, and boundaries.
With the support of the Swedish Institute Baltic Sea Cooperation, the SmartDEV BSR initiative expands the network of partner organizations (transnational platform) to strengthen the Innovation Ecosystem in the Baltic Sea Region and neighboring countries as a smart, efficient and motivated environment.
As part of the SmartDev BSR initiative document on the different Baltic Sea Region ecosystems (countries) in the frame of S3 – innovation, business growth and sustainability – is created. It gives a comprehensive overview that allows to explore a thriving landscape where innovation flows like the tides of the Baltic Sea itself.
The Baltic Sea Region has a rich history of trade, culture, and cooperation. It is a region where diverse nations have found common ground, transcending their differences to foster innovation and development. With each ecosystem overview you will discover how this tradition of collaboration has evolved into a powerful force for innovation, driving economic growth, sustainability, and societal progress. The document is aimed a different stakeholders to familiarize with the region and give a holistic overview of the region and uncover networking and collaboration opportunities.