BEE Lab to boost entrepreneurship
BEE Lab (Project No: LLI-157) is Interreg V-A Latvia Lithuania Programme project “Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation” which aims to promote entrepreneurship in Rietavas, Talsi, Saldus, Kuldiga and Liepaja municipalities enabling an exchange of good practices and developing a network of skilled business support actors in Latvia and Lithuania.
Promotion of entrepreneurship and support for SMEs are one of the priorities in both Latvia and Lithuania. Especially this is actual for remote areas, as working places are limited and this cause various social and economic problems, among them migration of young people either to cities or abroad for possibility to implement their ideas or to find jobs.
BEE Lab will implement 5 different models, such as PopUp Lab, a Business school for youth, Coffee with experts, Thematic informative web conferences. This will promote entrepreneurship in remote areas, leading SMEs and potential SMEs through the process of establishing enterprises or accelerating existing businesses and develop a network of experts who will be skilled in applying those models in practice. Expertise gathered during implementation of models will be collected into a “BEE Lab Good Practice Book”.
The project partners are:
- Rietavas tourism and business information center (lead partner);
- Talsi County Municipality;
- Green and Smart Technology Cluster;
- Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences.
The total sum of project is 586 185.76 EUR, of which 498 257.88 EUR is funded by European Regional Development Fund. The project funding for Green-Tech Cluster is 106 399.50 EUR, of which 90 439.57 EUR is funded by European Regional Development Fund.
The Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 aims to contribute to the sustainable and cohesive socio-economic development of the Programme regions by helping to make them competitive and attractive for living, working and visiting.
Information about this Program can be found here:;
* This information is prepared using European Union financial support. The content of this information is the responsibility of the Green and Smart Technology Cluster, and under no circumstances should it be considered an official position of the European Union.