Last week for two days from 16 to 17 April in Riga, RTU Design Factory, the Green-Tech Latvia cluster organized a networking event for companies and clusters. In total, over 70 participants from 11 countries registered for the event.

On the first day of the event, clusters, representatives of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia and other support institutions discussed the role of clusters in enhancing the business efficiency of small and medium enterprises. Aigars Lazdiņš, a representative of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, gave an insight into the development of Latvian clusters. During the event, a discussion was held between the representatives of the Balkans and the Baltic States about potential cooperation opportunities using the available support programs, which were told by the representative of the European Business Support Network, Jekaterina Vanaga, and the representative of the Latvian Technology Center Juris Balodis. At the end of the first day, cluster representatives were introduced to the technological solutions used in RTU Design Factory, as well as participants of the event were able to hear the ideas and solutions of the X-Industries hackaton, which would facilitate work and solve several problems for Latvian food companies.

On the second day of the event, the manufacturing companies had a great opportunity to meet and hear automation solution providers to discuss the steps to make the business more efficient. After the opening of the event, Neils Kalnins presented the 5G’s future potential to the participants, while Martins Velde, representative of Ventspils High Technology Park, told about the role of Digital Innovation Centers in the digitalisation process. However, in order to reflect the already existing achievements in the field of digitization and automation, five business representatives were invited to share their experiences. These companies included representatives of Latvian companies and representatives of companies from Estonia and Romania. At the end of the event, 33 pre-planned meetings were attended by the participants, but at least 30 new meetings were organized due to the high interest of the participants. Thanks to this exciting event, participants not only expanded their range of potential cooperation partners, but also became acquainted with Latvian culture and traditions.

All presentations of the event can be found here:

This was the third B2B event organized in the framework of the Green ICT Development (GIVE) project and the next B2B event to be organized within the project will take place from 19 to 20 June in Serbia.

B2B event within the Green Ict deVElopment (GIVE) project and national cluster support program.