Energy saving through “Smart Living” solutions

Smart Living is a new Estonia-Latvia programme project and main objectives are aimed to promote the concept of Smart Living. With this project we will raise public awareness about environmentally friendly lifestyle and smart use of energy resources in Latvia and Estonia, combining knowledge and competence of organization in both countries. We will focus directly on informing Latvian and Estonian societies on the possibilities to save energy resources, as well as addressing Estonian and Latvian real estate managers regarding the use of renewable energy resources.

During project implementation following main activities are planned to be performed:

  1. Creating a joint Online interactive tool. In order for the solutions offered to the public to be of high added value, an expert council consisting of at least 5 Latvian and 5 Estonian experts in energy field will be created.
  2. In order to create a more comprehensive awareness of energy efficiency, 40 workshops will be organised for households and 24 workshops for real estate managers throughout the duration of the campaign.
  3. In order to ensure resident awareness, open-informative events will be organised once a year within the campaign.

Project lead partner is Green and Smart Technology Cluster and project partners are Vidzemes Planning Region and Tartu regional Energy Agency.

The total sum of project is 386 536.41 EUR, of which 328 555.94 EUR is funded by European Regional Development Fund. The project funding for Green and Smart Technology Cluster is 183 827.66 EUR of which 156 253.51 EUR is funded by European Regional Development Fund.

Information about Estonia-Latvia programme can be found from EstLat webpage:


* This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.