Green and Smart Technology Cluster invite to participate in the seminar “Coffee with Expert” in Saldus on September 28th. Two interesting topics will be discussed: the role of the accountant in business, as well as the support of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for entrepreneurs.
They say that behind each one successful business is a great accountant. The team members of accounting company Ltd “PROSPEROUS” – Agnese Učaikina and Zane Ilenāne will tell about these miracle-workers, and why even micro-enterprise can’t live without one, their responsibilities and role in business development.
In turn, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (the Latvia’s largest business community) Saldus and Brocēni branch manager Kristiāna Ābola will tell more about Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the available support, services, its goals, and vision.
Everyone who associates his future with business is invited to attend the event “Coffee with Expert. The purpose of the event is to encourage future entrepreneurs to take steps in their intended direction.
“Coffee with Expert” will take place on September 28th, at 16:00 in the Saldus JIC “Šķūnis”, 3b Lielā Street. Participation in the seminar: free of charge! Registration for participation in the event until 27th of September, by sending a request to the e-mail: Coffee, snacks, questions, and answers are waiting for you! The number of participants is limited!
“Coffee with expert” is part of the BEE Lab project (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross-border cooperation. The project is co-financed by Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.