Work on project “Baltic Impact Accelerator” implementation has started
For several months Green Tech Cluster Latvia with partners Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Latvia), CleanTech Estonia, Sustainability InnoCenter (Sweden) and Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT (Finland) have [...]
Hydrogen valley project starting between Finland and Estonia
BalticSeaH2 project creates a large-scale, cross-border valley around the Baltic Sea. The main valley is between southern Finland and Estonia. BalticSeaH2 builds the first significant, cross-border hydrogen valley in [...]
Webinars on green manufacturing open for registration
Free webinars on green and sustainable manufacturing are organized within the project "GEMSTONE - Green production support for recovery and sustainability of industrial SMEs" (project no. SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER-01). Webinars will [...]
Green Tech cluster will take part in the state visit of the Minister of Economy Ilze Indriksson to France
On February 9, our board member and head of the field of future Imants Martinsons will participate in the state visit of Ilze Indriksone, Minister of Economy of the Republic of [...]