The purpose of this book is to share the changes in Rietavas with the reader, including the initial idea, the experience in implementing them, and the outcome achieved by applying a specific methodology, promoting local businesses and carrying out strategic planning for the Rietavas region.
Promotion of entrepreneurship and support for microenterprise and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are social and economic priorities in Lithuania and Latvia. This is particularly important in remote areas where employment opportunities and job vacancies are limited.
Five different models were implemented during the project: PopUp Lab, Saldus Business School, Summer Business School for Youth, Thematic Informative Web Conferences and Coffee with Experts. These models helped promote entrepreneurship in remote areas, taking SMEs and potential SMEs through the process of establishing enterprises or accelerating existing businesses, and developing a network of experts for promoting entrepreneurship in the regions. All models of action were attended by SMEs, experts and project partners. The expertise accumulated while implementing the models is presented in this book.
The book, together with the study on the business environment in north-west Lithuania and south-west Latvia, will serve as a tool for the expert network to promote entrepreneurship in remote areas even after the project is over.
Saldus Business School is part of the BEE Lab project (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation). The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund programme “Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania” 2014-2020.
Best practice book in LV, LT un ENG can be read here.
Project leaflet here.