From August 31 to September 1, the Green-Tech Cluster, together with SpaceTem project partners, participated in the students’ summer internship closing conference.
This summer, 25 trainees from Estonia and Latvia gathered at the Tartu Observatory to present their summer practice results. The students had the opportunity to do internships not only in universities but also in space companies in Latvia and Estonia.
In Estonia, some of the trainees could join the ESTCube team and participate in the ESTCube-2 satellite development as part of their summer internship. Other trainees, on the other hand, had the opportunity to spend their internship with Golbriak Space, a technology company that develops optical communication solutions.
In Latvia, trainees had the opportunity to help develop 3D printers, as well as to look at the work of the Ventspils International Center of Radio Astronomy. We are very pleased that several internships were offered to students by cluster members this year.
The conference was organized within the SpaceTEM project. SpaceTEM is a project of the Estonian-Latvian cross-border co-operation program of the European Regional Development Fund, which aims to promote the development of the NewSpace sector (private space technology sector) in Latvia and Estonia through several interconnected activities.
More information on the Estonia-Latvia Cross Border Cooperation Program can be found at
*This article reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.